Personalised Photo Posters | Party Photo Prints | Print Ready

Party Photo Prints


From €14.85

Decorate your party venue walls with lots of party posters of your loved ones and friends

Having a bash and want to go out with a bang? Adorn your walls with our Party Photo Prints.

We can print photos you send us from your phone or we can scan in old photo prints that you post or hand in to us.

  • Available in lots of 25
  • Beautiful colour rich printing
  • Printed on 100gm stock
  • Digitally printed
  • Excellent colour reproduction

For large volume photos, please use

Picture this… Your beloved son is turning 21 and you have shoe boxes of photos of him that you are itching to embarrass him with. He’s having a party and you want to use the photos some way. Why not let us enlarge the photos up to A4 size so you can plaster the walls with a montage of pictures of your wonderful son.

Our party photo print packs are always a crowd pleaser as they create a talking point for your guests. Your friends and family may love them but you son might not 🙂

Please choose one of the following templates to download and use for your artwork.


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File Types

To make ordering your print as stress
free as possible we accept four
different file types:

PDF  |  JPEG  |  TIF  |  EPS

To get the very best results for your
print, we recommend supplying your
file as a PDF in a CMYK colour space.


Top Tips

Registration means that your front backs up correctly with the back of your printed job. In order to ensure your order holds registration, be sure to include cut and crop marks in your artwork.
Vectors and Rasters
Raster files are like photos. Vector files are like logos. Vectors can scale up without loosing any resolution. If using vector graphics, be sure to outline and expand all vectors before saving.

Top Tips

Proof Reading
The best tip we can give you is to proof read thoroughly. Check, check and then check again. If you have access to a printer, we suggest printing out your design so you can proof read from a hard copy.
Ensure all fonts are embedded into your document for accurate printing. Also, check your preview carefully to ensure all text is visible and accurate.

Sizes Explain:

  • A6: 106mmx148mm (Half an A5)
  • A5: 148mmx210mm (Half an A4)
  • A4: 210mmx297mm (Standard Sheet of Paper)
  • A3: 297mmx420mm (Twice an A4)
  • A2: 420mmx594mm (Twice an A3)
  • A1: 594mmx841mm (Twice an A2)
  • A0: 841mmx1189mm (Twice an A1)

Printing Services

Digital Printing
Litho Printing
Wide Format Printing
Graphic Design

Print Ready provide a wide range of high quality print and design services to businesses and organisations that want results at competitive prices.


how it works


We’ll send a soft proof within 1 business day after you submit your artwork. Production time begins once you approve your proof. Requesting a hard proof will extend the length of the proofing process since it requires extra time for shipping.

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Rush Jobs

If you need something urgently, 99 times out of 100 we can accommodate you.

Just pick up the phone and tell us what you need.

Artwork Check

Before we print your files, we run it though a preflight to make sure it’s a print ready PDF.

If you need any help with your artwork files, simply email our design team.

Our Customers

Frequently Asked Question

What kind of a design can be printed on the beer mats?2024-10-29T18:51:53+00:00

Our custom beer mats can be used within a restaurant, bar, or professional setting, but that’s not all they can be used for. The beer mats we create are perfect for any party or event you are throwing, either professionally or in a domestic setting. We do have more robust beer mats for professional settings though.

What is the difference between a beer mat and a coaster?2024-10-29T18:50:28+00:00

Generally, beer mats are more likely to have a sponsor or message as an advertising vehicle within hospitality settings, whilst coasters are often more decorative pieces, where there are custom pieces made. In practice, the two are created in the same way, are made of similar materials and are the same shape and have the same dimensions. There is also a cultural difference, in that you’ll find beer mats used as a term more commonly in the UK, whilst coaster is the term used in the USA.

Can the personalised beer mats also be used at parties or other events?2024-10-29T19:20:35+00:00

You can make your own custom beer mats and coasters, adding your own personalised text, photos, and designs. Our team will always perform an artwork check to make sure that your designs are print ready before they are printed onto the beer mats. This offers great versatility for a range of professional settings and advertising opportunities.

Can my beer mats be double-sided2024-10-29T19:21:36+00:00

Beer mats are commonly printed to be double-sided, whereas coasters are usually designed to have one side with a design and one side without. We would always recommend you print beer mats double-sided, ensuring that the artwork and message is always on display no matter which way up the beer mat is placed.

Are your Beer Mats absorbent?2024-10-29T19:23:02+00:00

Our promotional beer mats are designed to be robust in environments where they come under heavy use. A good beer mat must always be heat resistant, have hygienic properties, absorbent and able to soak up any spills around a table. All of this must be achieved without the beer mats being brittle and easily damaged.

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