Don’t missing out on Free Postage.
Litir um Thoghcháin is an initiative allowing canidates running for election to post canvassing material that meet specific size requirements.
An Post will deliver for free your pamphlet or flyer once it is either…
DL sized (99mm x 210mm) or
A4 sized and folded and glued closed to the size of DL (99 x 210mm).
You, the candidate only have to pay for print and design.
Print Ready are well versed in the election printing process from design to personalistion.
Perhaps you have your own printed material and need help with the scoring, folding and gluing and are worried about meeting An Posts specific Litir um Thoghcháin requirements. If so, we can help. For more information about our finishing services such as gluing and folding, please drop us a line or give us a call on (01) 8581000. We are Print Ready, are you?
Seanad & Dail Free Post Scheme Specifications
Size Requirements
- DL – 99mm wide x 210mm high. Artwork to include trim marks with a 4mm white margin all around.
- A4 folded down to DL size – these flyers must be roll-folded to make sure there is one leading edge completely sealed and closed. Opposing side must be glued. They must be supplied in two hundreds, bunched with an elastic band and packed in sturdy boxes. All boxes must be labeled and numbered and marked correctly with the candidates name, the candidates party and the candidates constituency.
Paper Weight
- DL: Any weight between 170 gsm and 180 gsm.
- A4 Folded to DL: Any weight between 130 gsm and 180 gsm.
- The canvasing material has to include the phrase “Litir um Thoghcháin” or “Election Communication” in the location of a stamp (top right hand section). The name of the constituency is required on the material.
- The size of the address area is to measure 36mm x 80mm and must be on the front and in the center of the election material.
- Prior to print, A sample specimen of election printing or the PDF itself must be sent to An Post for approval.
Delivery & Packaging
- All canvasing material must be faced the same way and labelled &
- They must be transported on Euro Pallets.
- All literature should be securely shrink-wrapped.
Delivery Date
- You must have you printed election material delivered to An Post printers no later than 18 WORKING DAYS prior to the notified posting Dates.
- Printed material that is Varnished, power coated or that was Spray Dried.
- No Ink jetting finished election printed material.
- Gloss or Coated Stock.
- No colour address areas.